Sunday, May 9, 2010

What's Behind The Sun ?

Here's several 'predictions' I've made that all seem to be similar and maybe related in some way.  Don't know for sure of the time frame.
But, definitely there seems to be something that is coming....
“From Behind The Sun…”
Saturday, September 29, 200l
31.  Something is going to happen around November 9 and November 15—within a few days either side of 9th and 15th—if not on these actual dates.  May be related to the above prediction for “Joel”—November 15th.  Probably another terrorist attack. 

Sunday, March 10, 2002
42.  Dream last night: I was in “London”; three men in black pants and shirts with bright red long coats on—I was similarly dressed; went into a large room with benches all around the edges; lots of people sitting around; one was Carol McGehee (old girlfriend).  She was there “protesting” a bomb (nuclear?) in a Pyramid—and would not leave until the pyramid had been dismantled or the bomb removed.  Felt an “Egyptian” connection; however, the “pyramid” could be the glass one in Memphis, TN, or the Phonetician hotel in Las Vegas (since Carol always liked going to Las Vegas to gamble—maybe that is her connection to this), or a pyramid in South America or even the ones at Giza, Egypt.  Felt as if it were an atomic bomb in a pyramid.  Also felt as if a female was being sacrificed for some reason (perhaps until the bomb was found or the pyramid dismantled).

Sunday, September 22, 2002
43.  This morning woke with “Memphis” and the date “10/11”—perhaps this relates to prediction #42 in that “Memphis” is and old Egyptian city (where there are pyramids); or that there is a glass pyramid building in Memphis, Tennessee; or that there is a pyramid
building (Trans-America Building) in San Francisco; or that there is an Egyptian-themed casino in Las Vegas.  Hard to know at this point.

82.  WEDNESDAY, May 10, 2006
Watching TV and had a “vision” of an object which has been/will be/is hiding behind the Sun and will come from around the Sun (Sun’s right, Earth’s view left side) and hit/collide with/target the earth—a meteor?  Or something else?  Naturally or intentionally?    

88.  TUESDAY September 12, 2006
Jerry and I were watching TV and I had an “image” of a volcano erupting.  Jerry asked “when”, and immediately I thought “2010, August” and “Mt. Ranier”.  However, it may also be Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Shasta, or Yellowstone.  I feel like an eruption (s) will happen within a two-year period on either side of 2010 (2008-2012) in the West/Northwest U.S. with devastating results.  One eruption may trigger another or others

94.  Friday September 14, 2007
Had awakened on September 10th at l0:10am and again on September 14th at l0:l0am.  Feel that something “important” is gong to happen either
          October 2007
          October 10, 2007
          October 2010
          October 10, 2010
As of right now it doesn’t “feel” like a bad thing; but it’s difficult to tell at this point.

94A.  WEDNESDAY September 19, 2007
The last couple of days I’ve looked at the clock and it has been l0:10 again—both AM and PM.
Then last night I had a “feeling” of “earthquake(s)”, tsunami, coastal cities in trouble, coastal states in trouble.
A world-wide affect.
Surely there is no such thing as a l0 pt earthquake.
I hope this was just a strange dream and not a prediction for such events as devastating and deadly as it appears.
I’m hoping that l0/l0 is a “wonderful” and joyous event happening—perhaps I’ll win big in the lottery.

95.  FRIDAY September 28, 2007
Woke from a “dream” in which I saw a large explosion at a large “warehouse-like” facility.  Perhaps “nuclear” in nature—both the facility and the explosion.  Perhaps happening at the “end of December” or “end of the year” or “end of something”.  It seemed to be “set” to go off.  People had intentionally meant for it to blow up.  Several people seemed to be in the “facility” when it exploded.  There was a large ladder leading up from where the explosion happened to a “viewing” area.  There was “no smoking” allowed in the area.  (Today is 3/14/11:  does this have to do with the Japan earthquake/tsunami and nuclear reactor problems that resulted?)

96.  I stopped at Kroger on Broadway for Benadryl and more food for secret cinema—we watched “Beowulf”—Steve & Terry, George & Roger, Larry, Tim, and Me.  When I purchased an odd assortment of things at Kroger the total was “$9.41”—and when I left Steve & Terry’s and looked at the clock it was “9:41 pm”—does that portend of a catastrophic event similar to “9/11”??  Perhaps in 2010 or 2011?  Perhaps the “volcanic eruption” I predicted in October 2010?  Perhaps something “reminiscent” of 9/11 or to be compared to “9/11”?? (see #94 and 94A)