Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Methodology

Every now and then I get a thought or an image in my head and feel a stronge URGE to write it down.  I write it down 'as I get it'--with all it's blabber and inconsistancies; I never know what is important at the time.  I write it as I 'see' it.  I would NOT call these images "Visions".  Having a "vision" connotates Divine / Godly / Angelic participation.  I do NOT claim that as part of what's happening to me---it MAY BE, but I don't know enough to claim it.  I have no way of knowing HOW or WHY this is happening to me.  Perhaps, as some have told me, it's a "Blessing"--or perhaps not.  After writing these down I sometimes tell friends of mine what I "felt" or "saw" as a secondary witness.  When I write these down I use my computer; the computer inserts a date/time stamp on the top of the page; I print out two copies; one to keep for myself; another to MAIL BACK TO MYSELF in a stamped, secured, to-remain-unopened envelope that is hand-canceled by the post office; with date received written on the face.  At this point, this is the best method I know of to show that the 'prediction' came BEFORE the 'event'.  I do not know how this 'prediction' thing works; but, I feel it does for ME !

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